This month’s block lotto will be black and white solid fabrics, sewn into triangles and stripes.  It touches on the modern quilt ideas of:

    • High contrast and graphic 
    • Improvisational piecing
    • Minimalism
    • Negative space
    • Modern traditionalism

Fabric Colours
Any solid black or white quilting cotton.

Making Blocks
1. Make any blocks that contain black and white triangles plus stripes.
2. Make the blocks 9.5 inches wide and however long you like. It seems easiest to make the triangles first and then add the stripes to get to 9.5” wide.
3. Press seams towards the black fabric where possible.
4. Trim any loose threads (to avoid threads showing under the white fabric.

Ideas for triangles:
Flying geese, half square triangles, hourglass blocks. Here are some sites to help with the math:
Half Square Triangles:
Hourglass block:

Ideas for stripes:
regular widths, irregular widths, increasing widths, lots of white or lots of black, horizontal and vertical stripes
