Greetings Guild Mates,
As suggested at the last guild meeting, let’s start 2021 with a clearing of the design wall and have a big draw on February 15th!
In 2020 there were four block lottos that were posted but no draws were done:
March 2020 – Paul’s Fancy Star
April 2020 – Nora’s Hunter’s Star
May 2020 – Marnie’s Duck Tracks
June 2020 – Anna’s Another Star
You could still make any of these to enter.
The rules of Block Lotto 2021 are easy: 1) make a block, 2) put it in an envelope with the name of the block written on the back of the envelope, 3) add your name and return address on the envelope, and 4) address envelope to Lorna Shapiro and mail it to 2726 W. 38th Ave, Vancouver, BC, V6N 2W9.
Hashtag for Instagram is #vanmqgbl21.
Niki Storr