March Guild Meeting Reminder

Meeting Date: Monday, March 21st, 2022
Doors Open: 6:30PM
for mixing
Meeting: 7:00PM – 9:00PM

This meeting will be held in person and streamed online. 

In Person at the
Unitarian Church of Vancouver
949 West 49th Ave, Vancouver, BC, V5Z 2T1

Those wishing not to attend the meeting in person, we will be broadcasting it on Zoom. Log in details will be sent out Sunday, March 20th. 

The guest lecture for the March VancouverMQG meeting is Laura Loewen.  Laura is a designer and a maker of modern quilts.

Since making her first quilt as a teenager, her style has grown with her eagerness for experimentation. Many of her quilts feature a mix of solid, print, and woven fabrics in a full color spectrum. She has a professional background in interior design and photography and spends her days at home raising her two boys outside Boulder, Colorado.

Discovering Glow: This lecture will take a look into her mind and she will teach us about how she has developed a process for pulling fabrics for a quilt project.  We will learn how she has come to look at color, value, tone, and texture in order to create quilts that glow.

We will get to know her color process when designing a show quilt, why her fabric  philosophy is “more is more”, and where she looks to find inspiration.

You can check out Laura’s work on Instagram here