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Moving on to the second month of our improv sampler! (If you’re new to it, details are here)
The images this month are of a well known but relatively recent addition to Vancouver, the East Van Cross.
We’re giving you two photo options to play with this month, because we couldn’t find a good creative commons picture of it lit up that wasn’t on a weird angle. Some of the folks making samples had difficulty getting away from the big CROSS aspect – if that’s not your style, feel free to concentrate on a smaller portion of the images, like the curves of the cross, or the letters. It’s up to you!
(East Van Cross by Guilhem Vellut, used under CC BY 2.0 and East Van by Lisa Moffatt, used under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0, both cropped from original)
Here are some sample blocks made by guild members to get your inspiration going, but remember, it’s entirely up to you how you interpret the cross –
(amy’s blocks)
(kristyn’s block – she’s doing QuiltAsYouGo!)
(Cathy’s block)
Bring your blocks back to the February meeting to show them off!